"I believe that God has gifted His children with creative potential and with a natural desire to express that creativity. My purpose is to help to develop that potential, to build a foundation of the basic artistic elements and, thereby, to guide the process of creative expression. Our primary purpose as Christian educators, however, is to train our students to love and to serve the Lord. This is our larger objective. And I believe Choose Art can strengthen our hands in our mission to "train up a child in the way he should go." With this larger objective in mind, the mission of Choose Art may be stated as follows:
To enhance the Christian character development of the child while assisting him or her to discover and cultivate his or her God-given artistic and creative potential within a Christian framework and from a Godly perspective.
"To that end, you will discover, integrally woven into the pages of every unit, character building principles and a scriptural theme that cleverly relates to the academic content of that unit. Built on a scriptural foundation, and developed alongside an attitude of service, Choose Art develops its students not only academically and artistically but also spiritually.
It is now known that children need proper instruction in art in order to develop artistically, just as they need instruction in science or mathematics to develop in those areas. A good quality art education program has clear, sequential objectives. Such a program exposes the children to a variety of media. It includes activities to enrich sensory perception. It provides for the development of artistic techniques as well as creative expression. And it build skills and broadens vocabulary. The visual arts help children to appreciate beauty and to make knowledgeable aesthetic choices. Although elementary school art has often been passed off as a Friday afternoon play time, educational research has shown that where a good quality art program exists, the other disciplines benefit as well. Choose Artis not only a quality art education program - it is a program that is unique and distinct because it is designed for Christian children. Its skill-building techniques and integrated character enrichment encourage the development of God-given potential, and thereby equip children to serve and to glorify the Lord with the creative ability He has given them. Choose Art has been written to help further the cause of art education in the Christian community. It has been designed to serve the body of Christ. May it strengthen your hands to teach. And may it bless and build the children with whom you work. Isn't it time we gave art a place of priority in our children's lives? Indeed, isn't it time to "choose art" for our children.
"Choose Art has been written to help further the cause of arts education in the Christian community. It has been designed to serve the body of Christ. May it strengthen your hands to teach. And may it bless and build the children with whom you work."

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