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Key Scriptural Objective: To relate sowing and reaping to particular actions and the harvest those actions are likely to produce, and to discuss ways of creating the desired harvest by altering the actions that are sown.

Scripture: " . . . whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7

Academic Objectives:

To define "shape" as a "space completely enclosed by line."

To define the basic geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle), and to describe other geometric shapes (diamond and oval)

To identify and record samples of geometric shapes found in the immediate environment

To identify the parts of a plant and to examine the lines, shapes, and textures of a particular plant

To recognize that the word "collage" comes from the French word "colle," which means "to glue."

To define a "motif" as "any element, like a shape or a line, that repeats to form a pattern."

To define a "planned pattern" as "a pattern in which the motifs repeat in an orderly way so that we know what to expect next."

To define a "scatter pattern" as "a pattern in which the motifs are scattered around in a disorganized way."

To examine natural and man-made objects and designs, noting how both God and man have used pattern in their creations

To experiment with pattern-making using a choice of motifs

To distinguish between open and solid shapes

Production Objectives:

To arrange seeds and choose from a variety of weeds to create a collage

To make a collage using either a scatter pattern or a planned pattern (white shapes and lines on black background)

To make a collage using either open or solid shapes (seeds and paint on paper plate)

To explore pattern-making by using printmaking techniques, spatter painting, and techniques with string

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Key Scriptural Objective: To study several examples of bearing one another's burdens, and to accept that, even though it may not always be easy, bearing one another's burdens is a responsibility we must assume.

Scripture: "Bear ye one another's burdens" Galatians 6:2

Academic Objectives:

To define an "abstract shape" as "an unusual shape that is not easy to describe."

To reinforce the difference between line and shape, and abstract and geometric

To define a "portrait" as a "picture of a person."

To develop visual memory and attention to detail.

To define "self-portrait" as a "picture someone makes of him or herself

Production Objectives:

To draw a picture from hearing a story: Lost in the Woods

To paint life-size portraits with an emphasis on detail and patterning

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Key Scriptural Objective: To emphasize the creative nature of God

Scripture: " . . . God created man in his own image" Genesis 1:27

Academic Objectives:

To use line to interpret and express the mood, rhythm, and tempo of music.

To develop creativity by inventing different types of lines

To define the word "image" as "a likeness of a person or thing."

To make a scribble into an image by adding lines to the scribble

To see how different images can be created from the same scribble

To take turns building a tall tale, sentence by sentence

To illustrate an expressive word by drawing an expressive abstract shape

To use overlapping to create distance in space

To observe how repeating colors cause the eye to move throughout a composition.

To associate images with emotions, and to combine images to create a picture

Production Objectives:

To create abstract shapes from the imagination, motivated by expressive words such as "swoosh," "dribble," "pop," "squirt" (oil pastel, felt marker)

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Key Scriptural Objective: To acknowledge God's creative imagination and to study some of the unique abilities or adaptive characteristics of a number of God's creatures

Scripture: "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord" Psalms 150:6

Academic Objectives:

To recognize some of the unique ways God has created his creatures to adapt to and function in their environments

To compare the meanings of "shape" and "form."

To identify a cylinder, cone, and cube as examples of forms

To be familiar with the terms "two-dimensional" and "three-dimensional."

To learn a few paper sculpture techniques

Production Objectives:

To create a fictitious animal, unknown in God's creation, by combining characteristics of known animals, or by inventing completely new ones (colored felt markers or colored pencils)

To make sculptures of real or make-believe animals (cardboard boxes, egg cartons, paper rolls, etc.)

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Key Scriptural Objective: To learn to respond to a difficult task by calling on the strength of Christ

Scripture: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13

Academic Objectives:

To create images by combining shapes

To record pertinent data about the box sculpture animals

To discuss art production with regard to an interpretive approach versus realism

To use the eyes to measure and calculate space

To develop visual memory

To develop creative thinking and encourage a creative response.

Production Objectives:

To create an animal from an abstract symmetrical design (tempera paint, felt marker)

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Key Scriptural Objective: To examine two kinds of common problems in relationships between friends, and to understand that a friend is expected to love at all times

Scripture: "A friend loveth at all times" Proverbs 17:17

Academic Objectives:

To assume a variety of action poses, and to observe the position of body parts during the poses

To draw action poses from memory

To share in a group project, working in close proximity to one another

To define "mirror image" as "an image in reverse."

To practice drawing mirror images

To pick out patterns, motifs, and abstract shapes in pictures of butterfly wings

Production Objectives:

To draw and paint representations of bold and beautiful flowers (tempera paint, felt marker)

To design and paint the wings of a butterfly (acrylic or tempera on plastic)

To create a mural using the flowers, butterflies, and adding raindrops, grass, etc

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Key Scriptural Objective: To understand that God made all of creation, and to identify which things were made on which days

Scripture: " . . . all things were created by him" Colossians 1:16

Academic Objectives:

To define terms such as "comet," "crater," "meteor," "gravity."

To express knowledge in visual form

To identify primary and secondary colors, and to experiment with mixing colors

To discern images among scribbles

To use the eyes to measure and calculate space

Production Objectives:

To incorporate spatter painting into an outer space composition based on the story, Stony Rockwell Touches Down.

To create a fish or bird (salt, flour and detergent dough)

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